Thursday, October 2, 2008

Acne care cosmetic skin

« ...It would appear that back acne is not triggered by hereditary, stress or other factors such as poor diet. However it has has been acknowledged that long hair will exacerbate the pores on the back. Therefore if you have back acne and long hair, a commonsense approach would be to keep your hair off your back until the condition is healed....
...Acne oftentimes leaves behind small scars in the skin. Acne has different types, according to its shape or form. Ice pick scars are described as deep pits shaped like inverted volcanoes. Box car scars, as the name imply, are shaped like boxes or angular shapes. Rolling scars appear like waves, while hypertrophic scars are keloid or thickened scars....»
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«...The first thing that people think of when it comes to ways to treat acne, is topical acne cream. Super strength acne cream in my own opinion, is the cream that provides you more result and effectiveness and not just the strength of the ingredient. The strength of the cream's active ingredients does not matter if you are not getting any improvement over your acne. The stronger or higher concentration the acne cream is, the more risk that you stand to get irritation and rashes after using the acne medication, which is something really bad. For this reason, I would like to share with you some of the best super strength acne cream and how you can use it to improve your acne condition effectively without or with less irritations....»
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tags: how do you take off acne forever, pesticide in drinking water causes acne, want my acne to be healed by god

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