Thursday, October 2, 2008

Can dryness make acne worse

« ...Most topical bactericidal products contain benzoyl peroxide, which works to kill the bacteria that lead to inflamed acne. It is usually applied to affected areas twice a day, and should show improvement after about 7 days of consistent use. Topical bactericidal products can sometimes lead to dryness, as well as local irritation and redness when first applied....
...When you are looking for a cure for acne, you'll find that there are plenty of resources that open to you. As you search online, there is a good chance that you will run into a free acne cure forum. A good forum can provide just what you need for a variety of reasons, and you'll find that with a little bit of research, you'll be in a great place to get started when it comes to taking a look at your condition....»
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«...1. be effective in adults and teenagers with mild to moderate acne...»
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tags: bad acne scar, glycolic acid peel acne after 1 treatment, acne, chest, pregnancy

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