Thursday, October 2, 2008

Acne free in 3 days by chris gibson

« ...Over time I have observed that there are a group of people who take little or no care of their skin and yet have never experienced acne or any other skin condition. On the other hand some people take care of their skin religiously but still have an on going battle with acne. From the above observation it becomes clear that some people are prone to acne while some others are not. So what makes a person prone to acne? Well the major factors that contribute to acne formation are:...
...Acne is not caused by dirt. It is caused by excessive production of sebum, the oil which naturally moisturises the skin, created by the sebaceous glands, situated just below the surface of the skin. Too much sebum and it is likely to clog the pores, the tiny holes in the skin, creating an opportunity for destructive bacteria to expand, resulting in outbreaks of acne....»
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«...First of all, I'll tell you why it happens. Hormones and genetics are to blame! There is little we can do about either. However we can understand what happens and then work with it. During the teen years your hormones are all over the place, your moods are up and down, sometimes you are full of energy and sometimes you just want to sleep. On top of all this there are yukky things like parents and exams which never go together without the word STRESS....»
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tags: proactive solution acne treatment, acne soap bar, tea tree oil and acne

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