Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to stop picking acne

« ...Pride and self worth can shift when someone looks in the mirror and sees something they do not like. TV shows and many movies play on the notion of the worst thing that could happen in life is getting a whitehead on prom night. Why does acne carry such a huge social stigma? What is it about this ordinary affliction that makes people so uncomfortable?...
...When queried, "What is the difference between Acne Vulgaris and Acne Rosacea?" Most dermatologists have pointed out the fact that most usually Acne Vulgaris is the most common of the two skin disorders, and usually affects teens more than any other age group to date. Acne Rosacea is the more extreme type and can be found in any age group but most often does not appear before the age of 30. Being more prone to affecting women than men, both types of acne are not something to be ignored....»
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«...Acne: spots, pimples, blackheads and all, affects 80% of us, very commonly in out teenage years but also for some adults for years and even decades afterwards....»
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tags: acne free scar removing lotion, erbian laser peel for acne, is random face acne a sign of early pregnancy

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