Sunday, September 28, 2008

Acne treatment reviews laser

« ...By avoiding these types of foods, you can definitely minimize the amount of acne you get on the face. Stick with non-reprocessed foods, and keep junk food to a minimum. It's not necessary to ban these foods from your diet, but eating them every single day definitely isn't doing your body a favor....
...Have you ever been caught in a situation where you are stuck with a big pimple just before a big event? Not only are you nervous about the upcoming event but also the breakout is adding on more stress to you. This stress probably adds to worsen the situation. Well, it is good to know that there are some quick acne solutions that you can use during such nerve wrecking times....»
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«...Light therapy or phototherapy has been very successful when it comes to treating stubborn cases of acne. A treatment called the blue light acne treatment uses visible violet light rays within the range of 405 to 420nm to kill bacteria that live in the hair follicles of the skin. It is bacteria that are responsible for the presence of pimples and acne....»
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tags: best neutrogena acne product, dove soap for acne, clearasil tinted acne cream

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