Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cystic acne by eybrows cause

« ...One of the most effective ways of treating scars is dermabrasion. The skin is removed with a high speed brush under localized anesthetic in the area. However this cannot be used for ice pick scars and for persons with a dark skin as they will show changes in the pigmentation of the area. Something similar to dermabrasion is microdermabrasion which again removes the skin on the surface but not with high speed brushes but with aluminum oxide crystals. This is not very effective in removing scars unless they are very shallow....
...Oral antibiotics are indicated for moderate-to severe disease, for the treatment of acne on the chest, back, or shoulders, and in patients with inflammatory disease in whom topical combinations have failed or are not tolerated. After control of the acne is achieved and maintained for at least two months, a reduction in the dose can be attempted. Hormonal treatment is especially useful in women who desire contraception or have other manifestations of hyperandrogenism, such as irregular menstrual cycles or hirsute. Oral antibiotics and topical therapy may be used in combination with hormonal treatments.When the use of this agent is being considered, an assessment of the severity of disease should include the effect of the acne on the patient, such as the potential for scarring....»
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«...Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, if you have acne, shaving bumps and sensitive skin, extremely sharp razors are not suitable for you. Forget about the commercial fight between the razor companies and choose a blade that is just reasonably sharp. Let your hairs grow a bit before you start your shaving ritual. An extremely sharp razor will shave off much more skin then what is really necessary. When you take off more skin with your blade, your skin will feel really irritated....»
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tags: top 5 acne treatments, black head white head and acne, acne on back best treatment

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