Sunday, September 28, 2008

What foods are bad for acne

« ...Acne vulgaris is distinctively recognizable and the commonest skin disease affecting adolescents with almost 90% having the facial rash at one time or the other. The human hair is anchored inside pillars underneath the skin surface called follicles that contain special glands (sebaceous glands) that produce a unique substance called sebum through tiny ducts unto the skin surface where they aid temperature regulation. Females who present with varying acneiform lesions along the mandible and chin or ''beard area'' tend to have a type of acne that typically flares during certain portions of the menstrual cycle and responds to hormonal therapy....
...Another home method to help remove acne scars is to combine 1 teaspoon of powdered nutmeg with 1 teaspoon of honey and apply it to the scarred area. After 20 minutes, wash it off with cool water. Do this twice a week, and within a couple of months you will see an improvement....»
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«...Exfoliation (or microdermabrasion) with a microfiber peel cloth is not only a safe and highly effective method of removing excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells, there are other benefits too, such as scar reduction and the increased production of collagen (a main connective tissue protein)....»
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tags: can sitting in a sauna help clear acne, birth control pills and acne, zithromax for acne during pregnancy

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