Sunday, September 28, 2008

How do you stop acne

« ...6. Drink lots of water. Water flushes out all the waste out of your body and is a very popular remedy for clearing up acne. About 10 glasses a day will do good....
...While cystic acne is the most severe form of acne, causing physical discomfort and emotional distress, there are ways to treat it and lessen the effect it has on your life. Here you will find valuable information on this most troubling form of acne....»
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«...Compared with topical therapy, systemic therapy has a more rapid onset of clearing, which may enhance patient compliance. However, whenever systemic drugs are administered, the potential dangers- including side effects, drug allergy/intolerance, drug interactions, and fetal exposure in women who are or may become pregnant-must be carefully considered. ...»
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tags: deep acne natural remedies, what's the best treatment for severe acne, how to use honey to cure acne

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