Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pregnancy acne medications

« ...Aside from herbal acne treatments, make sure you take enough vitamins and minerals to keep your skin healthy. Vitamin A and niacin have been found to effectively treat acne as well as zinc. You may take vitamin supplements of about 100 mg 2 to 3 times daily....
...Because in our everyday life, we tend to eat in a lot of toxins, not to mention that our environment of living, which is also full of fumes and poisons. By detoxifying your body, your acne condition will benefit a lot from the removal of toxins and the boost in immune system. But in order for you to achieve super fast results for example, to cure your acne in 4 weeks, you need a powerful system of detoxification....»
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«...Another great home remedy is rubbing fresh garlic onto your acne for at least four times a day. Carry on with this everyday for two weeks and you will soon see amazing results....»
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tags: what i healthy to eat for acne, what foods to eat to get rid of acne, acne weight gain dry hair swollen face

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